
Virtual Sessions Available 



For a successful Skype/Zoom session you will need these basics:

  • A stable internet connection
  • Access to a computer or tablet or phone with a webcam
  • You will be sent the  Zoom link
  • A comfortable chair
  • Somewhere you wont be disturbed (no pets in the room please)
  • Headphones, earbuds or a headset is recommended but not essential


Can you really do hypnosis online?


The simple answer is yes.

Hypnosis works just as effectively online as it does in my office. Imagine creating that change in the comfort of your own home.

No need to worry about travel or parking and extra convenient in times of lockdown.

Distance is no problem, I can work with you no matter where you are in the world.


    Prior to our session, we will have a skype or Zoom call to discuss what it is you would like to work on and allow us to discuss the best options for you. This also allows you to  get familiar with the online process in prepartion for your therapy session.



    60 – 90 minutes

    Hypnosis transforms limiting beliefs and behaviours so you can achieve your goals.

    Trance is a naturally occurring state. Have you ever driven somewhere and on arrival realised you couldn’t recall the journey? Daydreaming, or watching TV are other good examples.

    We are subject to hypnosis every day. We hypnotise ourselves with negative self talk, or other people put their negative beliefs on us. I can help you transform your negative trance, into a positive one.



    Life Coaching

    60 – 90 minutes

    Feeling stuck?  Coaching allows you to explore your options and set appropriate goals to keep you on track.

    As your coach, I will be your thinking partner and fellow explorer, helping you develop new ideas, navigate conflicted thinking and assist you to transform your current situation, into the life you desire.

    A certified abundance and breakthrough life coach, I am passionate about helping others remove their blocks and gain new insights.